May is a time of nostalgia for me. I think of it as a month for remembering myself. In May, I celebrate my anniversary for choosing to follow my gut to live nomadically, travelling slowly in my favourite corners of the world. On this journey, life has been a teacher in trusting my decisions and staying rooted in my visions.
What is May to you?
May is many things of course. For me, the other side of May is that it is always so full. It is easy to become distracted, ungrounded, and distant from what rests in my mind and heart if I'm not intentional about seeing it.
One of the tools I've used and often recommend is journalling. The act of writing to and for myself has allowed me to witness the things that live inside me. Dreams, visions, limiting beliefs, versions of life I've outgrown, it all comes to me when I make space for it on the page. I see journalling as a way to return to myself. Awakening the dreams that have been made dormant is all about being brave enough to admit that they are real. Since I believe in living a life that we actively create and choose, I am very bold about calling dreams into existence. Our daydreams are so much more than dreams, they live and breathe and sometimes die which is why we must nurture them.
Below are twenty two journal prompts to enliven the dreams that you wish to reconnect with. Whether you feel disconnected, doubtful, unsure, fearful, willing but a little discouraged, or simply stagnant, this is my offering to you. These prompts are for disempowering the suggestion of doubt over your heart's vision.
22 Journal Prompts For When You Start To Doubt Your Vision
- Describe your dream life in detail.
- In the reality of your daydreams, what do you exude?
- What does your most aligned morning look like?
- Does your dream evolve often? What is the main essence that remains the same?
- Describe how your morning went today.
- How can you move deeper into alignment with the type of day you'd like to have?
- What does following your Highest Joy look like?
- Ask yourself, 'How would I show up in life if no one was present to witness me?'
- Where do you feel most free? Who are you with? What are you doing? How are you dressed?
- Define bliss.
- What emboldens you to eliminate fear in your life? Write for the length of the page, allow yourself to see how many more options you have.
- What is draining you from the source of feeling alive?
- What is life-giving to you right now?
- What needs to be immediately removed/added to your life to realign with your dreams?
- When do you feel most worthy of living the life of your daydreams? Why?
- How often do you allow yourself to be seen? Is this something you can grow capacity for?
- Describe a memory when you felt deeply connected to your vision.
- What is a mantra, wisdom, affirmation, prayer, word that represents a lesson you are currently moving through?
- Take some space to offer yourself self-compassion, don't hold back.
- Can you identify any limiting beliefs that you hold in your mind?
- As a creator, who or what are you creating/holding space for? How can this motivate you when doubt arrives?
- Write a letter to yourself for the days when you might forget your power to bring this vision into being.
I hope that you come back to your personal vision(s) with big compassion and bigger breath. They are yours for a reason, trust that.
If you'd like extra resources on following your inner voice, I recommend a few things:
On the Life Is In Love With Me newsletter, I wrote an essay about quitting my job to provide myself space and imagination to live on my own terms. It initiated my long love affair with having the intuition and bravery enough to opt out. Quitting my job to live a writer's life has been a journey, it began because I felt the nearness of my dream. Read about it on 'Life Is In Love With Me':
If you'd like to creatively and financially support yourself as you action your vision, I recommend Fiverr. Fiverr is a platform for freelancers and creators to be seen, paid, and connected. It's a platform that has been a great support to me on my journey and allows location independence, portfolio growth and deeper community with other creatives. You can sign up using my link:
If you'd like more journal prompts penned by me, check out this resource for 40 Journal Prompts for a Perfect Night Routine. Journalling before entering the dream state is another way to manifest and envision, which is what we do here.
Thank you, so much, for being here
Amara Amaryah
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Photo credit for first image: Amina Filkins via Pexels.
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