An easeful interview with: Jordan Rome
An artist interview series full of he(art) 🌿 by Amara Amaryah
The Easeful Place has a thing for artists and creators who willingly go deeper into the centre of their creative calling. Ease exists partially due to the labour needed to recognise, preserve, and cater to it. Artists remind us of this always. In the most recent installment of the easeful artist interviews, I speak to Jordan Rome, an artist, a travelling community finder, an activator, editor, filmmaker, and founder of Carefree The Collective. Jordan shares her perspective on ease, art, purpose, and more. I cannot wait to show you what came out of this enlightening exchange.
These interviews exist to inspire us on our journeys to creating the lives, communities, families, and inner environments needed to house ease. I select artists from around the world with different modes of creation and lifestyles to show how possible it is for us to build ease into our lives. The intention is to deepen our understanding of what is possible, to think limitlessly, in community.
Enjoy 🌀
In conversation with Jordan Rome
Who is Jordan Rome and what's your work?
The question "Who are you?" is always tricky for me to answer. Not because I don't know who I am, but because any response feels like it reduces, shrinks, or downplays some aspect of my identity. It's challenging because we're constantly in the process of becoming, unraveling in the spaces between being lost and found, crumbling and being pieced back together again. I'm a student of Life, translating lessons and teachings through words, visuals, voice, gathering, listening, and resting. These are the many expressions of self, taking on various forms. My work, then, is to take my lived experience and all that I've learned through my own healing and offer it back to inspire others, particularly BIPOC communities, so that they can explore their own healing and liberation journey.
Where is the easeful place for you?
I’m a daughter of the Sun, and I find ease when the rays kiss my skin. I find ease when the wind whispers and carries melodies of winged creatures. I find ease watching the collective memory flow in bodies of water. I find ease in the comfort of those who dare to understand me, and their perception creates a space where I feel seen. I feel ease when nestled up in the comfort of clean sheets that allow me to slip into the astral realm. I feel ease breaking bread where laughter bounces off walls, echoing through hearts, and bellies are joyfully filled. I feel ease on my prayer mat when I prostrate before my Creator.
Who is your favourite artist?
Currently, I'm inspired by the work of Bayo Akomolafe, an author, philosopher, and curator of sacred spaces. He speaks eloquently about his ethos on posthumanism and postactivism, drawing inspiration from Yoruba indigenous cosmologies. I appreciate his ability to craft stories and concepts that expand my perception of emerging worlds and realities amidst chaos and collapse. He doesn't discard the past but reframes it in a way that illuminates our present and guides our future.
We're undoubtedly on the precipice of great change, and I find creators like Akomolafe to be crucial voices supporting our collective understanding of these ongoing shifts.
Being an active participant in each moment looks like slowing down. Slowing down allows me to respond authentically to whatever stimuli, and in return I radiate my essence, inevitably taking up space.
- Jordan Rome
What are some of your favourite practices for encouraging yourself to take up space?
Taking up space requires you to be present in the space. I can’t attune myself to my environment without the awareness of what’s happening internally. I can’t embody taking up space if I’m not in my body, allowing a grace period for those emotions to digest. I can’t be expansive in my connections, if I’m not in observance of the subtitles that are going on in an environment. Being an active participant in each moment looks like slowing down. Slowing down allows me to respond authentically to whatever stimuli, and in return I radiate my essence, inevitably taking up space.
You are so worthy of ease. How do you remind yourself of this?
Ease becomes more than a concept when put into action—it's a practice. One must be devoted to creating ease in their life. It's an unraveling of all that has been imposed upon us, cemented into the fiber of our being, and coming to terms with what perhaps isn't ours but has become who we've known ourselves to be.
When subconscious beliefs, habits, and thoughts I no longer agree with manifest, I meet them with acceptance and allow them to move through me. I believe I'm always in motion; my internal rhythms are constantly being recycled. As I welcome more ease into my days, this belief helps me surrender and detach from what could turn into stagnant tension. When I remind myself that I'm on my own unique path, I can walk with levity and peace, knowing everything is in alignment if each step is planted mindfully. Life's pressing questions no longer feel so profound. What's my purpose? What am I here for? What's the meaning of it all? It becomes so simple.
Connect with Jordan on Instagram, through her carefree community, or on her website.
Community Question::
Jordan reminds us that ease is an action and something worthy of being practiced. Where in your life can you practice ease and bring it into motion?
A recommendation for holding space online
Stepping fully into my path as a writer connecting community and holding space for intentional interactions has held my attention this year. Reaching you all through these emails and ensuring that the communication is seamless and easeful was top of my list. I chose Kit (formerly ConvertKit) mostly because it is the go-to newsletter service that understands creatives and their needs. Opting for Kit as a mailing list service helped me grow and expand The Easeful Place and offered tools to keep growth on the rise (Kit has its own network and recommendations system because it understands the power of community).
If you're a creative or building a community of any kind, I highly recommend checking out what Kit has to offer. From creating landing pages, to segments and even experimenting with aesthetics, the entire process has been ease-filled and allowed me to focus on what truly matters: writing to you about creating a life we can sink into, and show up easefully for self and others. I have an affiliate link in case you're ready to try or switch to an email marketing provider that caters to your creative needs. It has helped create ease in my life so maybe it will do the same for you.
Bringing more light energy to the community
The Easeful Place is growing (heyy new community members!). I've noticed that our shared love for journalling, writing and thinking in community, and honouring our sacred imagination is something that can interrupt the disconnectedness that is destroying our communities. If this space offers ease to your day or inbox, invite a friend along to experience it with us. You can share this invitation to let them know that there is a community right here, breathing deep and ready to receive them.
Amara Amaryah
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This email contains an affiliate link for a brand I trust and use. If you make any purchases, I will receive a commission at no extra cost to you.
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